Be Water Wise on Ice
Quick Tips to Stay Safe on the Ice
On Foot
Use crampons while walking on ice to increase traction
Do not travel on ice at night, especially by vehicle
Be wary of ice covered in snow; snow may be hiding open water or cracked ice
Carry a portable flotation device in case you or someone else falls through the ice
Bring ice picks and keep them close; they can be used to pull yourself out of the water if you fall through
If you can, use the buddy system and bring a friend
How to Handle an Accident on the Ice
If you, someone else, or a pet falls through the ice, there are a few different steps you should follow.
Getting Out of the Water
If you fall through the ice, you will have about 2-5 minutes before the cold water begins to really affect you. During that period, you should kick your legs, grasp for nearby ice, and get yourself horizontal on it. If you have ice picks, you can use them to pull yourself onto the ice. Once you get yourself out of the water, roll toward thicker ice. As soon as you are off the ice, the next step is to work fast to prevent hypothermia.
Helping Someone Out of the Water
If someone else falls through the ice, and you can't reach them from shore, the first step should be to throw them a rope, tree branch, jumper cable, or other object. If nothing is available, you should go for help and call 911. Once the person is out of the water, you'll want to work fast to prevent hypothermia.
Rescuing Your Pet
If your pet falls through the ice, your first instinct may be to help them. However, if the ice isn't thick enough for your pet, it won't be for you. What you should do is get help and call 911.
Reference: https://www.adirondack.net/winter/hiking/ice-safety-tips/
Anything less than 3 inches should be avoided at all costs. 4 inches can support activities like ice fishing, walking, and cross-country skiing. 5 inches can support a snowmobile or an ATV, while 8 to 12 inches of ice is enough to support a small car. And while these guidelines are generic, ice conditions vary and the above is for newly formed ice. .
Measuring in one place is not enough. Take the thickness measurement in several different areas to ensure that the entire area is safe. Ice thickness can vary, even over a fairly small area—especially over moving water.
The water is always colder than the air and you can get hyperthermia .
Climb out the side you fell in, that ice is thicker
If you’re trying to help someone that fell in LIE down and basically make a human chain like that far as you can to shore
Don’t go close to the edge but throw something they can grab onto (attached to a rope) to pull them out
Very little time until hypothermia sets in
How to dress properly and in layers and learn to recognize signs of hypothermia
Also Keep hydrated You don’t realize in cold as easily in warmth how much you still need that water
If on foot and you feel the ice begin to crack beneath you, remember these steps:
Do not move suddenly. Lie on your stomach and spread your arms and legs (like an airplane).
Stretch your arms over your head and bring them together.
Roll away from the crack. Do not bend your knees or elbows.
If YOU fall through the ice: Try not to panic. (easier said we know)
Do not remove your winter clothing. -
Heavy clothes will not drag you down. They will trap air to provide temporary warmth and flotation. Turn toward the direction you came since the ice was strong enough to support you on the way out, it will probably support you again on the way back.
Place your hands and arms on the unbroken surface.
Kick your feet and dig in your ice picks and swim your way back onto the solid ice. This can be done even without ice picks but ice pick make it a lot easier. Slide onto the ice like a seal.
Lie flat on the ice and roll away from the hole. This will help distribute your weight.
Get to a warm, dry, sheltered area out of the wind.
Stages of Cold Water Immersion and Hypothermia:
In the event that you or someone else does enter the water you need to be aware of the following symtoms.
Stage 1: Cold Shock/Sudden Disappearance
This response begins immediately upon immersion and will peak within the first 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Breathing and circulation are affected.
Involuntary gasping, rapid breathing, dizziness and confusion start immediately causing water inhalation and possible drowning. A sudden rise in heart rate and blood pressure also occur, possibly resulting in stroke or heart attack.
Stage 2: Swim Failure
A person must attempt to self-rescue, stay afloat or swim to safety within the next 30 minutes. Nerves and muscles in the arms and legs will cool quickly. Strength of handgrip and movement speed will drop 60 percent to 80 percent.
Stage 3: Hypothermia
After the skin, arms and legs have cooled to the water temperature, cooling of the inner organs of the body’s core begins. This is called hypothermia. It develops after 30 minutes if cooling is not stopped. The symptoms follow a predictable progression:
Skin color becomes flushed initially, but later may turn blue
Slurred speech
Clumsiness and poor coordination
Withdrawn and apathetic
Heart rate and blood flow slow down
Limbs become stiff as muscles get rigid
Mental confusion
Shivering ceases
Heart failure may occur, but usually drowning occurs first
Stage 4: Rescue and Post Immersion Responses
Survivors being removed from the water face significant physiological changes in blood volume and distribution. Rescue method and proper treatment of the victim is crucial. Handle victims gently and minimize movement. Wrap the person in blankets to prevent further heat loss and transport him or her to the nearest medical facility in a warm vehicle.
Ice Safety Resource Material
Ice Safety Videos

